Always stay ahead of Market & Industry Trends

expert financial advisors for the smarter decisions.

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Versatile Solutions for Multiple Industries

Empowering your business with industry-specific modules, seamlessly integrated solutions, and dedicated long-term partnerships.

Industry-Specific ERP Solutions: No matter your sector—manufacturing, retail, or services—Aweeba’s ERP solutions are engineered to meet the unique challenges of your industry. Gain insights, improve compliance, and increase efficiency with a system built for your world.


Streamline and Innovate: Enhance your manufacturing processes with solutions that optimize production flow and reduce waste.

Energy & Mineral Exploration

Strategic Resource Management: Improve decision-making and resource management with real-time data and analytics that empower your teams.

Mining Operations

Operational Excellence: Drive productivity and safety in your mining operations with our robust ERP tools.

Inventory and Logistics

Enhanced Precision & Efficiency: Streamline your inventory and logistics with Aweeba’s ERP solutions that ensure accuracy and optimize operations.

Customer Acquisition

Accelerate Growth & Engagement: Propel your sales and customer acquisition strategies with our ERP tools designed to enhance customer interactions and maximize conversion rates.

Customer Service

Exceptional Service Delivery: Deliver outstanding customer support and resolve issues swiftly with Aweeba’s tailored solutions.

Drive Success with Aweeba’s All-In-One PlatformDrive Success with Aweeba’s All-In-One Platform

Your Path to Business Efficiency

Create a Sustainable Future & Shape Your Business Success with Aweeba’s Innovative Solutions.

At Aweeba, we understand that efficiency and adaptability are crucial for business growth. That’s why our ERP solutions are meticulously designed to integrate seamlessly into your operations, enhancing both efficiency and adaptability to drive your business forward. With Aweeba, experience the synergy of cutting-edge technology and bespoke solutions, all while building a sustainable and profitable future.

Get Tailored Business Solutions for Your Needs.

  • Increase Efficiency with Our Platform

  • Expert Support and Guidance

  • Innovative Solutions Tailored to You

  • Long-term Partnerships Focused on Mutual Success

Contact Us For Expert Advice

Always stay ahead of market & industry trends

create winning investment ideas with your money.

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EFT Capital Investments 78%
Marketing Strategies 65%
Insurance & Funds Tracking 90%

Your Dreams,
Our Investments.

pricing plans.

Empowering your Financial Choices globally

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basic plan

$ 89/m
  • Fusce id quam velm kui

  • Quisque ullamcorper urna
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  • Arius natoque penatibus

standard plan

$ 149/m
  • Fusce id quam velm kui

  • Pellentes que laoreet sap

  • Tempor eget convals tortor

  • Arius natoque penatibus

enterprise plan

$ 179/m
  • Fusce id quam velm kui

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  • Arius natoque penatibus